TPMPC 2023
Recordings will soon be available on the Aarhus Crypto Youtube channel
TPMPC 2023 // Photo: AU
TPMPC 2023 was be held in Aarhus, Denmark on Thursday June 8th (evening) and Friday June 9th (all day) - Co-located with ITC 2023 (Information-Theoretic Cryptography). The workshop was hosted by the Cryptography and Security Research Group at Department of Computer Science , Aarhus University.
Registration: Registration deadline was on Monday June 5th. For late registration please send an email to administrative organizer Malene B.B. Andersen (
Invitation Letter: If you need an invitation letter, please contact administrative organizer Malene B.B. Andersen (
Travelling to Aarhus:
Accommodation in Aarhus: - Please note that there will be large events going on in Aarhus the weekend before and after as well as during TPMPC, and so we encourage you to book your accommodation as soon as possible.
Other practicalities:
Venue: Peter Bøgh Andersen auditorium (building 5335, room 016), Finlandsgade 23, 8200 Aarhus N:
Rump Session: TPMPC 2023 starts with a Rump Session on Thursday afternoon with entertaining presentations on recent results, breaking news and other topics of interest. The Rump Session will be organized by Jakob Burkhardt, Marius Årdal and Alexander Munch-Hansen from the Aarhus Crypto Group. For details on how to submit a talk, please see the Program (- under "Rump Session").
Call for Contributed Talks
TPMPC solicits contributed talks in the area of the theory and/or practice of secure multiparty computation. Talks can include papers published recently in top conferences, or work yet to be published. Areas of interest include
Theoretical foundations of multiparty computation: feasibility, assumptions, asymptotic efficiency, etc.
Efficient MPC protocols for general or specific tasks of interest
Implementations and applications of MPC
The TPMPC steering committee will select talks with the aim of constructing a balanced program that will be of interest to the audience.
As the event will only last one day, priority will be given to talks from PhD students or other early stage researchers.
Submission Details:
Contributed talks will be 20-30 minutes.
The deadline for contributed talks was on Tuesday February 28th (anywhere on Earth).
Notification of acceptance is expected by March 31st.
Please submit by sending an email to with the following details:
Authors and affiliations (also cc all contact authors on the email)
Speaker's name and position (e.g. PhD student, postdoc, ...)
In-person: yes/no (note that we will prioritize in-person talks, but may consider allowing 1-2 remote talks)
Attached pdf containing a short summary (up to 2 pages excluding references) of your proposed talk. If available, please also include a reference to a full paper your talk is based on.
Local Organizers
Ivan Damgård (Aarhus University)
Jesper Buus Nielsen (Aarhus University)
Claudio Orlandi (Aarhus University)
Peter Scholl (Aarhus University)
Administrative Organization
Malene B.B. Andersen (
Program Committee
Ivan Damgård (Aarhus University)
Carmit Hazay (Bar-Ilan University)
Yashvanth Kondi (Aarhus University)
Claudio Orlandi (Aarhus University)
Emmanuela Orsini (Bocconi University)
Arpita Patra (IISc Bangalore)
Divya Ravi (Aarhus University)
Thomas Schneider (TU Darmstadt)
Peter Scholl (Aarhus University)
Thanks to our sponsors: