TPMPC 2022 Program

Below you can find the program. All times local to Denmark (CEST).

Abstracts of the invited talks can be found here.

Live streaming: you can watch the talks remotely via the Zoom room

Tuesday 7th June

08:30-09.30: REGISTRATION

09:20-09:30: Opening Remarks

09:30-10:45: Applications & Implementations 1
Session chair: Ivan Damgård
09:30-10:15: Carbyne Stack – Open-source cloud-native Secure Multiparty Computation

Sven Trieflinger (Invited Speaker)

Abstract Slides

10:20-10:45: PESTO++: Attribute-based Single Sign-On. Secure, Private, and Efficient.

Tore K. Frederiksen (Speaker), Julia Hesse, Bertram Poettering and Patrick Towa

10:45-11:15: COFFEE BREAK

11:15-12:30: Applications & Implementations 2
Session chair: Mark Simkin

11:15-12:05: New MPC techniques for Secure Machine Learning (remote talk)

Nishanth Chandran (Invited Speaker)

Abstract Slides

12:05-12:30: Secure Ad Auctions with Interest Groups and Pacing (remote talk)

Ben Kreuter (Speaker), Sarvar Patel, Mariana Raykova, Phillipp Schoppmann, Karn Seth, Gang Wang and Moti Yung.

12:30-14:00: LUNCH

14:00-15:15: Efficient MPC 1
Session chair: Divya Ravi

14:00-14:50: Communication Efficient MPC using Packed Secret Sharing

Vipul Goyal (Invited Speaker)


14:50-15:15: Secure Multiparty Computation with Sublinear Preprocessing

Ariel Nof (Speaker), Elette Boyle, Niv Gilboa and Yuval Ishai

15:15-15:45 COFFEE BREAK

15:45-17:00: Efficient MPC 2
Session chair: Carsten Baum

15:45-16:35: New Directions in Garbled Circuits

David Heath (Invited Speaker)

Abstract Slides

16.35-17:00: SoftSpokenOT: Communication–Computation Tradeoffs in OT Extension

Lawrence Roy

17:00 END OF DAY

Wednesday 8th June

9:30-10:45: Applications & Implementations 3
Session chair: Thomas Schneider

9:30-10:20 OMG! People are Actually Implementing my MPC Papers!

Yehuda Lindell (Invited Speaker)

Abstract Slides

10:20-10:45: MP-SPDZ: A Versatile Framework for Multi-Party Computation

Marcel Keller

10:45-11:15: COFFEE BREAK

11:15-12:30: Theory 1
Session chair: Claudio Orlandi

11:15-12:05: Broadcast-Optimal Two-Round MPC with an Honest Majority

Ivan Damgård, Bernardo Magri, Divya Ravi (Speaker), Luisa Siniscalchi (Speaker) and Sophia Yakoubov (Invited Speaker)


12:05-12:30: Round-Optimal Multi-Party Computation with Identifiable Abort

Michele Ciampi (Speaker), Divya Ravi, Luisa Siniscalchi and Hendrik Waldner

12:30-14:00: LUNCH

14:00-15:15: MPC with Ephemeral Servers 1
Session chair: Sophia Yakoubov

14:00-14:50: Private Computing on Public Blockchains

Shai Halevi (Invited Speaker)

Abstract Slides

14:50-15:15: SCALES: MPC with Small Clients and Larger Ephemeral Servers

Anasuya Acharya (Speaker), Carmit Hazay, Vladimir Kolesnikov and Manoj Prabhakaran

15:15-15:45 COFFEE BREAK

15:45-17:00: MPC with Ephemeral Servers 2 & Homomorphic Encryption 1
Session chair: Luisa Siniscalchi

15:45-16:10: Le Mans: Dynamic and Fluid MPC for Dishonest Majority

Rahul Rachuri (Speaker) and Peter Scholl

16:10-16:35: Share & Shrink: Ad-Hoc Threshold FHE with Short Ciphertexts and its Application to Almost-Asynchronous MPC

Matthieu Rambaud (Speaker) and Antoine Urban

16.35-17:00: Encryption to the Future: Foundations and Efficient Constructions of Communication Channels for YOSO MPC

Matteo Campanelli, Ignacio Cascudo, Bernardo David (Speaker), Lydia Garms, Hamidreza Khoshakhlagh, Anders Konring and Jesper Buus Nielsen

17:00 END OF DAY

EVENING: Attendees are invited to visit Aros Art Museum with a complimentary ticket (on your own, open until 21:00)

Thursday 9th June

09:30-10:45: Applications & Implementations 4

Session chair: Sophia Yakoubov

09:30-10:20: Currencies, crypto and policy: The good, the bad and the ugly

Ran Canetti (Invited Speaker)

10:20-10:45: How MPC contributes to fighting human trafficking

Mark Abspoel (Speaker), Niek J. Bouman, Hugo Ideler, Roderick Rodenburg, Meilof Veeningen and Niels de Vreede

10:45-11:15: COFFEE BREAK

11:15-12:30: Theory 2

Session chair: Claudio Orlandi

11:15-12:05: Correlated Pseudorandomness from Expand-Accumulate Codes

Lisa Kohl (Invited Speaker)

Abstract Slides

12:05-12:30: An Algebraic Framework for Silent Preprocessing with Trustless Setup and Active Security

Ivan Damgård, Peter Scholl, Claudio Orlandi and Damiano Abram (Speaker)

12:30-12:45: TPMPC GROUP PHOTO

12:45-14:00: LUNCH

14:00-15:15: ZK 1

Session chair: Matteo Campanelli

14:00-14:50: Dew: Transparent Constant-sized zkSNARKs

Chaya Ganesh (Invited Speaker)

Abstract Slides

14:50-15:15: On Black-Box Constructions of Time and Space Efficient Sublinear Arguments from Symmetric-Key Primitives

Laasya Bangalore (Speaker), Rishabh Bhadauria (Speaker), Carmit Hazay, and Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam

15:15-15:45 COFFEE BREAK

15:45-17:00: ZK 2

Session chair: Luisa Siniscalchi

15:45-16:10: Verifiable Encryption from MPC-in-the-Head

Akira Takahashi (Speaker) and Greg Zaverucha

16:10-16:35: Efficient Non-Interactive Proof of RAM Programs with MPC-in-the-Head Zero-Knowledge Systems

Cyprien Delpech de Saint Guilhem (Speaker), Emmanuela Orsini, Titouan Tanguy and Michiel Verbauwhe

16:35-17:00: Mozzarella: Efficient Vector-OLE and Zero-Knowledge Proofs Over $\Z_{2^k}$

Carsten Baum (Speaker), Lennart Braun, Alexander Munch-Hansen and Peter Scholl

17:00-17:30 BREAK


The workshop dinner will take place in "Matematisk Kantine" in walking distance from the TPMPC venue at the Math Department (building 1530), Ny Munkegade 118, 8000 Aarhus C.

There will be a Rump Session as part of the workshop dinner. The rump session will take place in the "Auditorium E" at the Math Department, Ny Munkegade 118, 8000 Aarhus C. and will be chaired by Carsten Baum and Daniel Tschudi and entertaining presentations on recent results, breaking news and other topics of interest are encouraged. To submit a talk, please send an email with the subject Rump session TPMPC 2022 to and with the following details, by 1 pm on Thursday June 9 including:

• Speaker name

• Talk title

• Slides (pdf, max 10 slides) - Can be updated until 1 pm on Thursday June 6th

• Requested talk length (max. 5 min)

• This talk is: funny/mostly funny/mostly serious/very boring but willing to bribe (please select one)


17:30-18:00 Drinks and snacks (AUD E)

18:00-19:00 Rump Session Part 1 (AUD E)

19:00-20:00 Workshop Dinner (Matematisk Kantine)

20:00-21:00 Rump Session Part 2 (AUD E)

21:00-22:00 Dessert and Networking (Matematisk Kantine)

Special thanks to Partisia Blockchain for sponsoring the TPMPC Workshop Dinner.

Friday 10th June

09:30-10:45: Theory 3
Session chair: Ivan Damgård

09:30-10:20: Can We Obfuscate Quantum Circuits?

Giulio Malavolta (Invited Speaker)


10:20-10:45: The Foundations of Topology-Hiding Computation

Marshall Ball, Alexander Bienstock, Lisa Kohl and Pierre Meyer (Speaker)

10:45-11:15: COFFEE BREAK

11:15-12:30: PSI & Homomorphic Encryption 2
Session chair: Yashvanth Kondi

11:15-11:40: Vole PSI: Constructions and Optimizations

Peter Rindal (Speaker), Srinivasan Raghuraman and Phillipp Schoppmann

11:40-12:05: Structure-Aware Private Set Intersection

Gayathri Garimella, Mike Rosulek (Speaker) and Jaspal Singh

12:05-12:30: Compact Storage for Homomorphic Encryption

Adi Akavia, Neta Oren, Boaz Sapir and Margarita Vald (Speaker)

12:30-14:00: LUNCH

14:00-15:15: Theory 4
Session chair: Sophia Yakoubov

14:00-14:25: Guaranteed Output in O(sqrt(n)) Rounds for Round-Robin Sampling Protocols

Ran Cohen, Jack Doerner, Yashvanth Kondi (Speaker) and Abhi Shelat

14:25-14:50: Perfectly-Secure Synchronous MPC with Asynchronous Fallback Guarantees (remote talk)

Ananya Appan (Speaker), Anirudh Chandramouli and Ashish Choudhury

14:50-15:15: Completeness Theorems for Adaptively Secure Broadcast

Ran Cohen, Juan Garay and Vassilis Zikas (Speaker)

15:15-15:45 COFFEE BREAK

15:45-17:00: Efficient MPC 3
Session chair: Carsten Baum

15:45-16:35: From ATLAS to TurboPack: Efficient Honest Majority MPC (remote talk)

Antigoni Polychroniadou (Invited Speaker)


16:35-17:00: Concretely Efficient Secure Comparison

Amit Agarwal (Speaker), Stanislav Peceny, Mariana Raykova, Phillipp Schoppmann and Karn Seth